KSC Member of 3 International Initiatives for Sustainability.

The Current Global Situation has strongly highlighted the need we have,  as Individuals and Organizations, to work as a Team through Strategic Alliances that enhance the positive impact of our Actions and Increase the Scope of our Projects.

In this context, KAI Sustainable Coaching has been working in recent months on the development of the Sustain-Ability Online Academy https://sustain-ability.teachable.com/  learning platform, which we recently presented to the public in July and which already has more than 25 students of different Nationalities.

In parallel to the development of this initiative, our organization has joined three Sustainable Development initiatives that we present here below:

•International Network of SDG Promoters
•Future of Tourism

Each one of these initiatives shows our commitment to the Sustainable Development of Destinations, Communities & Companies in Latin America & the Caribbean and is an open invitation for those who decide to be part of them.

We invite you to know more about each one of them:


International Network of SDG Promoters.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represent basic principles to end poverty, protect the Planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

The SDGs were approved in 2015 by all the member states of the United Nations (UN), they represent 17 objectives and 169 goals with a horizon to the year 2030 accompanied by indicators to monitor and evaluate the contribution and fulfillment of them. The global goals and targets are related to the environmental, social, political, institutional and economic challenges that our world is facing today.

Leaving no one behind is the main purpose of the New Development Agenda, all the SDGs are aimed at focusing efforts and promoting alliances to achieve positive and unprecedented changes for the benefit of people, society and the Planet in a context of peace , justice, inclusion and equality.

The International Network of SDG Promoters is the alliance that brings together all the SDG Promoters; articulating efforts, actions, tools, experiences and knowledge to promote and accompany with concrete contributions the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Mission as SDG Promoters  consists of: Raising awareness and increasing the knowledge of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, integrating and carrying out actions for their fulfillment, fostering the participation and commitment of different sectors and actors of society.

We invite you to learn more about this initiative at: http://promotoresods.org 

#TurismoReset: Manifesto for the regeneration of the Tourism Sector.



#TurismoReset is a community that brings together a wide variety of professionals from the tourism sector, as a sample of  the transversal nature of the industry, united under the common goal of rethinking and working for a new tourism model which is  truly sustainable and responsible with the capabilities of responding to the global challenges faced not only by the sector, but society as a whole.

We are facing a situation in which unity becomes essential. At the same time, there seems to be a lack of diversity when it comes to visions and opinions in the public debate in relation to the best way to overcome this crisis. In this context of uncertainty, we need not only to take into account the short-term and conjuncture related actions channelled into returning to the previous situation as soon as possible; it is also essential to have a broader look, a necessary long-term vision that helps understand and correct the mistakes perpetrated  in many destinations. In this sense, #TurismoReset has become a space for collaboration and dialogue, strengthening relationships between stakeholders and working collectively in the search for regenerative solutions in the industry.

We invite you to know more about this initiative at: https://www.turismoreset.org/


Future of Tourism.


We’ve signed the Guiding Principles launched by the newly formed Future of Tourism Coalition - the Center for Responsible Travel (CREST), Destination Stewardship Center, Green Destinations, Sustainable Travel International, Tourism Cares, and the Travel Foundation, with the guidance of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). These principles outline a bold vision for tourism's path forward and as a signatory, we commit to place destination needs at the center of tourism’s new future and do our part to create a better tomorrow.

Learn more at www.futureoftourism.org. #FutureofTourism


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